Donations Manager

If you're a not-for-profit company, or support a number of causes, make receiving donations for your causes easy with this excellent tool.

The Donations Manager is a basic tool that allows you to collect donations for specific causes. The payment interface is simple and easy. Configure your page to appear as one form with a drop-down menu listing each of your causes to make it easier for visitors to donate to your various causes.

What your business can do with a Donations Manager:

  • Easily collect donations for your specific causes
  • Allow donators to make online payments
  • Supports 13 Payment Gateways
  • Works seamlessly with your Website and Database Marketing
  • Manages multiple different causes on the one page using a drop-down menu

Specific Features

Donations ManagerStandard InclusionsOptions 
Accept any dollar value in donations online.Yes  
Set a minimum donation amount.Yes  
Supported by our 13 payment gateways.Yes  
Creates tax receipts for each payment made.Yes  
Allows individuals to choose the “cause” they want their donation allocated to.Yes  
Create a unique email that is sent to each person that donates.Yes  
Stores all payments made into a database.Yes  


Get in touch

Address: PO Box 506,
Mermaid Beach, Queensland,
Australia, 4218
ABN: 82 609 170 354

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